Produced by Tala Pasifika Productions, this unique theatrical experience synthesizes hospitality, theatre and dance. A stunning five-course banquet with matched wine is interwoven with a stunning display featuring enigmatic Pasifika dance by Ura Tabu and theatrical story-telling.
Check out our Show Reel Highlights from 2021 featuring NAFANUA.
Stay tuned for more details on Tala Pasifika's latest production, sequel to TAKURUA, NAFAFUA. See full show reel below.
Current work in development: ALPHĀ
ALPHā is the working title of a Pacific Dance Theatre work that Ura Tabu is currently devising. It is a narrative construct depicting a female deity as the original Creatress of life and civilization as the ALPHā . She is the celestial source of all creation and original transmitter of Hā (Divine breath of life). In contrast, the work will touch on the often brutal and savage rites of passage she has endured throughout history, culminating in her regaining her rightful position and reclaiming the reverence that is her due. The kaupapa of this work centres around the inherent strength of indigenous women and is inspired by an array of Pacific indigenous artistic mediums. Ura Tabu is courageously creating a unique piece of Dance Theatre as a response to several workshops held during 2018/19 which included ‘Sou Fuga Sina’ (Samoan) ‘Po’ue Tara’ (Cook Island) ‘Obuntu Bulamo’ (African) and ‘Turongo collaboration’ (Te Ao Maori/Ritu Anima). What surfaced from these workshops was a deep affirmation of our roles as indigenous women in leading people to a place of remembering, healing and aroha. The call for the descent of the feminine energy upon humanity is incredibly urgent on so many levels.